A New Year... M/f... Domestic Discipline

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A New Year... M/f... Domestic Discipline

Post by piper33 » Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:56 am

The holiday is pretty much over and I really need to get stuff done. Looking at my calendar of deadlines over coffee in the morning, i see your hand motion the "give it to me" action. I pass it to you and as you peruse it you seem to think all I need to do is buckle down. "I know!" "Piper....." "i know" (more quietly) "You have just been away from it for a week and a half, you can do this sweetie" "Thank you for your vote of confidence, I just don't feel like it yet." "You will"... as we move from the table to watch Sunday Morning before you have to go.

As I am at the door ready to kiss you good bye and we are in an embrace you say "I have an idea baby" "What's that?" "I think what will help you is to concentrate on this solidly for the next few days; so I propose that you stop procrastinating in the ways that you do." "I don't procras..." You put your index finger over my lips. "One of those ways is to stay offline until you think you have the first deadline down and feel sure in yourself for next week." I half roll my eyes and feel a little attacked at your assumption even though I know it's true. You kiss my forehead and go out the door saying "work hard..." "mmm hmmm" I say almost sarcastically. I know you are helping me and you will also go through it with me as you always do but my defiant, defensive side seems to brew inside. I am not ready to give up my holiday mood....not today.

When the door closes, I have a full eye roll happening and go have another quick cuppa and think about what you said as I look at the calendar again. I shake my head, slam the piece of paper on the table, and start muttering and stomp to the bathroom for my shower loudly and raise my voice kind of like yosemite sam does but instead of "racken fracken bugs bunny racken fracken" I use other choice words. Words that are never acceptable. I didn't know you had come back in to grab something and are just about to leave again. You see and hear the whole display from the kitchen down the hallway. As I run the water and take off my t shirt I can feel your tall presence behind me and I scream when I indeed realize you are there. "Jesus! You scared the fuck out of me!" "Sorry I startled you" as you take the bath brush, wet it under the running tap, take off my pajama bottoms, sit on the closed toilet seat and throw my naked body over your knee and give me a no nonsense spanking with the stinging brush without a word that has me protesting and crying. You stand me up and are still holding my wrist firmly as you stand as well. "I am going to be late, but don't you ever let me see you stomping and swearing like that again!" I gulp out an okay. "Piper I am trying to give you ways to help you and this defiance is not going to help you one bit." "FINE!" You give me the bath brush with a stern look on your face as you know I need it for my shower. "You are lucky I have to get to work missy." I glare at you with a flushed face trying not to cry. I am so hurt, but angry at myself and embarrassed about what just happened and getting caught acting in such a manner. I manner in which you detest seeing your darling Piper behaving in. I lose myself as you leave the room and kick air but wanting to kick the back of your calf which you feel and then I slam the bathroom door immediately and lock it as soon as you are on the other side of the door. "I am glad you got that out of your system young lady, because when I get home tonight you are going to get the spanking of your life!" I say sorry really loud but I hear the front door close firmly.

I sit on the edge of the tub, naked with the brush in my hand and the cold enamel of the tub bringing down the red hot temperature of my very sore bottom and start to cry loudly. The "ugly" cry. You know when I behave like this it is defensive behaviour, but it cannot be excused. The disrespect I showed by yelling in your face, let alone making a striking motion to you in any way, even if it is with my little foot and would not have hurt you is so very wrong. It is the act itself which I know you find punishable. I also know there is no way out of it with that added to the rest of my antics. I cannot take it back.

We do not communicate at all during the day and early evening. I knew my apology would not change my fate and you are too busy to be distracted anyway. I hurt you with my actions and that I do feel horrible about. I busy myself and try distract my thoughts....by "procastinating". Another defiant act perhaps, but I am trying to avoid. When you come in I am sitting on the sofa with my legs crossed, hugging them. You don't even take time to unwind. Your coat comes off. "Let's go!" I get up and follow you to the kitchen where you pull out the chair, then go to the cupboard where you grab the new bun warmer paddle made of thick cherry wood with a hole right in the centre. I let out a gasp. "You did this to yourself Piper...now come here!" as you sit down.
Before I could look in your eyes I am bottom high across your knee. You put the paddle down and start spanking me with your large hand. "You know why you are here SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK so I don't need to tell you SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK do I? SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK. " no Sir!" as I cry and cry. You take down my pants to reveal my pink panties that you spank me over for another long round. You spank so hard you have to change hands twice and I start begging and crying louder. "Get up!"

I stand in front of you and you move me back a couple of paces and re position the chair, putting a step stool in front of the legs of it and place one leg bent on the seat. "Step up and bend over" as you have the paddle in your hand. "Please Daddy....pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" "Now!!!" I move quickly and am up over your knee with my feet planted on the stool. You take down my panties and place the smooth paddle against my red bum. "COUNT!" I start counting with each hard blow. I cannot stop trying to escape the volleys by trying to crouch down with my feet on the stool. You stop for a moment, grab my waist very tight and kick the stool out from under me. "Stay still." As my legs dangle behind me and your hold tightens, I resume the count. There are thirty in total. Thirty very hard spanks with that nasty implement. You set me down. I can't look at you. "Look at me" I do. "I am not sorry for punishing you like that and you know why." "Yes, i know" through sniffing sobs and rubbing. "Pick up your pants and panties and come into the living room" You lay me over the ottoman bare to make me feel the air on my sore, red, raised buttocks which actually have a few blood bruises. "This is going to hurt for a while and I want you to lie there and think about why this has happened to you and then we will talk."

I lay with bottom raised across that ottoman in front of you while as you sit in your chair and put on the tv. Time goes very slowly and I have a lot of thinking to do. "Come here and sit on my knee." I do and we have a long discussion as to why I was punished for being disrespectful, my foul language, stomping like a spoiled child, trying to kick you...." "No matter how you misbehave or if you make the same mistakes over and over, I will never give up on you my love." I nod and put my head on your chest. You pat my bottom. "Go get some cream and lie across my lap and i will rub it in." "Really?" "Yes" as you kiss my lips gently and tell me my lesson has been learned and you know my defensive nature will not be present for a while at least as you smile at me.

As I lay across your strong lap and feel your beautifully sculpted hands massage my aching buttox I feel some relief and forgiveness. "So, did you stay offline today?" My relaxation tenses a little. "Well, you see........................"

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Re: A New Year... M/f... Domestic Discipline

Post by angelkat » Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:38 pm

Loved this. Can't wait for the next part to hear her reply.

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Re: A New Year... M/f... Domestic Discipline

Post by piper33 » Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:59 pm

thank you krazykatt...conclusion is posted, just waiting for approval. :)

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Re: A New Year... M/f... Domestic Discipline

Post by spoiledbrat1323 » Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:16 pm

That was great. Not sure about the daddy part. it kind of freaks me out when a woman calls her husband daddy, but the story was fantastic. My kind of attitude from the girl....followed by my kind of guy dealing with it strongly. Can't wait for part 2.

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Re: A New Year... M/f... Domestic Discipline

Post by piper333 » Wed Feb 23, 2011 7:35 am

I understand that the "daddy" word is not for everyone... i appreciate your comment though, and thank you. the conclusion is on the next page... you may have read it already...

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