Jackie learns her lesson

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Jackie learns her lesson

Post by cindaz84 » Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:57 pm

Jackie learns her lesson

Wendy pushed open the door of the phone box, and gave a sly grin as she said, ‘Jackie, David agrees with me you deserve to be punished severely, he's going to meet you off the train and take you back to your house, your mom won't get in until six o'clock so he’ll have an hour or so to punish you. He's very angry and is willing to follow my plan.” “As you know your mum is coming round to my house later on to discuss holiday plans, and you are going to come with her, so I can inspect his handiwork to make sure you have been properly punished, and you may as well know that if I do not think you have been properly punished I am going to finish the job later on. I have asked him to make sure that he breaks the skin and makes your bottom bleed, like mine did after my mother had finished with me when she caught me smoking with the older boys in the pub opposite. Jackie's heart sunk but she couldn't help notice the strange pang of excitement that she felt at the same time. ”If you're going to sleep with my boyfriend and upset your boyfriend then you deserve all you get” Wendy gloated.

The school bell rang for the start of afternoon lessons, so the girls crossed the road and went back into the school building. Jackie couldn't concentrate on the lessons, all she could think about was what was going to happen later on. Surely David wouldn't be that cruel and punish her so hard that her bottom will bleed. Her daydreaming was broken by the sharp rasp of the end of school bell and it was with some trepidation she grabbed her bag and coat and rushed outside to meet Wendy on the road up to Warwick station.

Neither of the girls spoke on the journey home although Wendy kept giving Jackie a knowing look and a sly grin which had the effect of causing butterflies in Jackie's stomach and a strange tingly feeling between her legs. Wendy got out of the train at the station before Jackie's and as she shut the door she looked Jackie straight in the eye and said ‘I hope he makes you cry and I look forward to running my fingers over the marks later, you deserve it you slut’.

Jackie got out at the next station, and as she walked over the foot bridge she could see David waiting for her. David smiled at her and gave a little peck on the cheek and said ‘get in the car’. ‘Well, did you have sex with John’.
‘Yes Jackie replied looking meekly down the floor’. ‘Ok then, you know what Wendy's told you, either you accept your punishment or you lose two good friends, what's it to be?’ ‘Okay I know I've done wrong so I'll accept my punishment’.

‘Right then, open your coat pull up your skirt and take your tights and pants down to midthigh so your bottom is bare. Good, now pull your skirt down and do you coat up .okay out of the car, we’re going down into the shopping precinct.’ As Jackie walked down the slope into the precinct all she could feel was her bare bottom rubbing against her tight school skirt. David took her into the hardware shop and went straight up to the garden section, he selected a bundle of 3 foot bamboo canes and took one out. They went up to the till and David said, ‘how much’ to the man behind the counter. Well they are a lot cheaper if you buy the bundle and you won't get many tomatoes supported with just one cane. ‘It's not for gardening, its domestic purposes’ David replied. Jackie's heart nearly missed a beat as the shopkeeper looked at her with knowing eyes, she felt he knew that her bottom was bare under her school coat, and her cheeks started to flush red.
Next they went to the chemist, David bought a tube of ky jelly and they left the shop. ‘What's that for’ Jackie asked, ‘well you're going to get a proper boys public school punishment and after the caning you're going to be buggered ,yes Jackie I’m going to fuck your freshly caned bottom’.

Back in the car David made Jackie hold both the cane and the lube as they drove back to her house. Jackie unlocked the front door and David took her straight into the kitchen.’Take.your coat off’ ordered David as he pulled out a chair from under the kitchen table. Now across my knee, Jackie meekly lay down across David's lap ,and David studied her rucked up skirt and bare bottom. He ran his hands across Jackie's plump well shaped bottom cheeks and then gently let his fingers run down her rectal cleft and over her anus. Then as he slipped a finger into her already engorged labia he was amazed at how wet she was, and he felt a familiar tingling in his groin as his penis started to fill up. He then grabbed her waist with his left hand and started firmly spanking her bottom, automating from cheek to cheek and then down the backs of her thighs. He started slowly and relatively gently but soon picked up the pace and intensity of the slaps. Jackie gave a low moan but said nothing as she felt the stinging slaps land on her bare skin. Soon her plump white bottom was turning a gentle pink, David then concentrated on her thighs and quite quickly produced some nice pink finger marks from the backs of her knees up to the cleft of the bottom. Jackie bucked and wriggled and then her low moaning intensified as she felt the stinging warmth of the spanking. Before long she couldn't help herself but push her bottom upwards in between blows in an effort to make it more available for the next slap. She couldn't quite understand the different feelings in her brain, the more David slapped the more she wanted him to slap and the more the heat developed between her thighs. She clenched her cheeks and tried to squeeze her thighs together in an effort to concentrate the ever increasing genital tingling. David noticed her clenching her cheeks slapped even harder, being a perfectionist he decided to turn the whole of her bottom the same glowing pink, and started spanking on the outside of the cheeks and the inside of her thighs. The more he spanked the more he felt his engorged cock push to the front of his trousers.

All of a sudden the doorbell went. ‘Oh shit’ said Jackie, ‘it'll be the next door neighbour I completely forgot we had a package delivered there today’. David pulled her up off his lap and said ’tidy yourself up and open the front door, don't be long because you know what's coming next’. Jackie hurriedly pulled her pants and tights up, straighten her skirt and grabbed a tea towel to dry her eyes. All she could feel was the burning on her bottom and the wetness between her legs, but she opened the front door to find the next door neighbour with a package. Summoning all her resolve she entered into pleasantries with the neighbour desperately wanting her to finish the conversation, give her the package and go away. After what seemed an age, the neighbour finally went away and Jackie closed front door.
She turned round to see David grinning at her. ‘Get into the dining room now’ ordered David. Jackie walked tentatively into the dining room and the first thing she saw was the cane and lube lying on the dining room table.
‘Take your skirt off demanded David and Jackie fumbled with the skirt and wriggled it down her legs and stepped out of it. Now take up tights off, Jackie kicked her shoes off and do some trepidation pulled her tights down and took them off. She stood there in her school blazer and blue school pants and looked pleadingly at David. ‘Now take your pants off’ David continued ‘bend over the table and hold onto the other side’. Jackie did what she was told and was soon lying over the table gripping the far side tightly. David picked up the cane and moved behind her and pulled her blazer and blouse up into the middle of her back. Her bright pink bottom was now splayed invitingly across the dining table. David gazed longingly at her beautifully spread cheeks, and ran his hands over them to feel the warmth. He then let his fingers slip down between her thighs and run lightly between her partly open and very moist cunt lips. After studying the beautifully red cheeks and squishing the ever moistening lips, he pushed his fingers hard inside Jackie. Jackie squealed but said nothing but pushed her buttocks upwards against his fingers. David stood back and picked up the cane. ‘You're going to get 10 strokes and you're going to count them ,if you stand up and rub your bottom or miss counting one of the strokes you will get an extra stroke, do you understand?’ ‘Yes’ said Jackie meekly.
David positioned himself and tapped the cane a couple of times lightly across the middle of her invitingly pink bottom. Crack the first stroke dug deeply into the fleshy part of her bottom, Jackie sucked in hard as she felt the searing pain develop. ‘One’ she said breathlessly, David followed up with the next five strokes and Jackie dutifully counted them out but her voice raised an octave with each count. She felt her bottom starting to burn and sting but at the same time she felt herself getting wetter and wetter. ‘Oh please David stop and just fuck me,’ she pleaded ‘you know you want to’ ‘oh don't worry Jackie I'm going to fuck you very hard indeed, but you know the agreement, Wendy says I have to break the skin and make your bottom bleed, you have been very naughty and deeply upset both of us.
‘You're going to get four more strokes, I’ll do them as quick as I can and I'm going to do them as hard as I can’. ‘That's not fair said Jackie I said I'm sorry as she stood up from the dining room table. ‘Sorry Jackie but an agreement is an agreement you have been a little whore and you're going to take your punishment. With that, David picked up Jackie's tights pushed her back over the dining room table pulled her hands to the other side off the table, turned the dining room chair around, and tied her hands with her tights firmly through the rungs in the dining room chair. He then picked up the blue school knickers pulled her hair to raise her head and stuff them unceremoniously into her mouth. Jackie coughed and gagged and protested thrashing her body around but there wasn't much she could do, she was completely overcome by the feelings emanating from her stinging bottom and her incredibly moist fanny which appeared to be now running the proceedings.
David positioned himself behind again picked up the cane and pushed his left hand into the small of her back and pushed her hard down onto the table. He took aim and then thrashed it down as hard as he could, Jackie's body jolted on the impact ,but David was fascinated by the appearance of a deep red weal. Followed very quickly on her left buttock by a capillary bleed as blood broke through the skin. David administered the last three strokes just as hard, as Jackie thrashed around on the table but he was disappointed to see that he had not managed to break the skin again. Jackie had gone completely still and was just giving out a low stifled moan as he noticed she had crossed legs and clenched her thighs together to try and squeeze her fanny as tight as she could.
‘Do you promise to never be unfaithful again’ David asked.’ Yes choked Jackie from behind her pants.’
David picked up the tube of KY, took the top off and squeezed a long line onto his index finger, he then ran his finger down between her cheeks and into her already puckered anus. Then he firmly but gently inserted his finger into her bottom until it got to the second knuckle’ he then withdrew it put more lube on it and inserted it again with the second finger right up to the third knuckle and worked them in and out. He then stood back frantically pulled open his trousers and unleashed his now rampant very hard cock. He grabbed a punished cheek in each hand and pulled them apart while positioning his purple head against her lubed opening, tentatively and then with increased vigour pushed the swollen end of his penis into her, it felt tight at first but soon relaxed and David gawped in amazement as he saw his best friend disappear deep inside Jackie's bottom. He withdrew it slightly pushed it in again and then again, Jackie increased her choked mumbling and pushed her buttocks back against his rock hard member soon the pair of them were pumping in unison. Very quickly Jackie’s whole body suddenly seemed to freeze and go into a catatonic spasm. David felt her anal muscles seize his cock like a vice.

After what seemed an age he withdrew from her bottom, went around the table and roughly pulled up Jackie's hair to raise her head, ripped the knickers from her mouth and thrust his still throbbing member into her mouth. Jackie slurped frantically on his cock and then was aware of her mouth filling with warm salty fluid as he gripped her hair even tighter and came copiously in her mouth.
David untied her, pulled her to him wiped her eyes and then kissed her frantically as he ran his hands down over the raised weals on her bottom. ‘I hope you learned your lesson because you did really upset me’.
Just then they both heard the unmistakable sound of car tyres on gravel,’ fuck my mums back’ bleated Jackie ‘get dressed in the toilet I'll stall her said David cramming his still hard member back into his trousers.

Jackie's mum came into the house after what seemed an age but was probably only a couple of minutes to find David, his heart still pumping sitting at the kitchen table with Jackie's physics books open. ‘Hi Mrs Smith, have you had a good day I'm just helping Jackie with her physics homework, you know how much she hates velocity, light mass, and friction formulae, but I think she's got the gist of it now! ‘That's very kind of you to help Jackie David, would you like to stay for tea, nothing special I'm afraid because we have to go round to Wendy’s to discuss the holiday.’ ‘Thanks for the kind offer Mrs Smith but I've got football training at 6.30 so I really must be going ‘. At that moment Jackie appeared from the downstairs toilet looking flushed but somehow amazingly contented. ‘Sorry Jackie I've got to go to football training I didn't realise the time but I think you will remember your physics from now onwards’. With that David kissed Jackie on the cheek said goodbye and couldn't resist a little squeeze of her bottom which made Jackie draw breath.

After tea Jackie and her mum went round to Wendy's house as arranged to discuss the finer points of their upcoming summer holiday.
Jackie's mum pressed the doorbell and very soon Wendy opened the door and welcomed both of them with a wry smile. After the usual pleasantries Wendy announced Jackie and I are going upstairs to do our homework while you sort the holiday arrangements.
As soon as Jackie was in the bedroom Wendy turned on her ‘well did it hurt? ‘Yes said Jackie meekly’ ‘let's see then’ said Wendy as she sat on the bedroom chair and spun Jackie round soher bottom was next to her face.’ Take your jeans down I want to inspect your bottom and make sure you've got what you deserve’ Jackie fumbled with her jeans and gently eased down over a still sore bottom. As Jackie pulled her jeans down she revealed a pair of white pants which Wendy quickly noticed had a red blood stain halfway down the left buttock. On seeing this, Wendy frantically tugged Jackie's pants down. ‘Well it looks like you been properly punished and he’s made you bleed’. Yes and he buggered me as well’.
‘Really’ said Wendy as she pushed her finger straight into Jackie's still lubed and tingling anus. As she did so Wendy felt a rush of warmth and excitement between her legs. Wendy left her finger in Jackie's bottom as she pushed her away slightly so she could further examine her whipped cheeks. She ran her hand gently over the ridges on Jackie's bottom and as she did so she felt Jackie contract around her finger.
‘Good you deserve it, and it looks like David has done a good job, however I don't think you've been punished enough ,remember it was my boyfriend you fucked’.
With that she got up from the chair pulled a thin willow switch out from underneath the bed clothes. ‘This is what my mother used on me when I was caught smoking the other week, and I'm going to use it on you, so that you never think of shagging one of my boyfriends again’. With that she grabbed Jackie, and bent her over the bedroom chair she had been sitting on. She stood back measured the switch across Jackie's flayed bottom and proceeded to whip her as hard as she could six times. Jackie's legs buckled and she went limp over the back of the chair. Wendy dropped the switch and immediately thrust a hand down between Jackie's legs and started thrapping frantically. Jackie's body went limp as she collapsed over the back of the chair and then suddenly went very rigid and she gave out a long low moan. Wendy dropped the switch pulled Jackie from over the chair, turned her around and cuddled her as tightly she could. They looked each other and started kissing. ‘I'm so sorry, said Jackie, ‘I promise I'll never upset you like that again’. Wendy let go Jackie and fell back on the bed pulling her skirt up to reveal no knickers, she grabbed Jackie's head, pulled it down viciously down between her now open thighs and frantically ground her engorged minge into Jackie's face .Very quickly her orgasm ripped through her body, and she shook as she came and pulled Jackie even more tightly into her. In what seemed an instant Jackie was then aware of an explosion of contractions and a gush of fluid as Wendy’s thighs gripped her like an electrified anaconda.

Later that night, as Wendy lay in bed unable to sleep she put her hands down between her legs and gently but slowly rubbed herself as she thought firstly about Jackie's whipped bottom and then how excited she had felt after her mother had caned her. As she rubbed harder she decided she must find a way to let David punish her just as severely as he done to Jackie.

But that as they say, is another story!

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Re: Jackie learns her lesson

Post by younggoverness4f » Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:34 am

Really enjoyable! I shall look out for the girls next time I'm in Warwick



x x x

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Re: Jackie learns her lesson

Post by younggoverness4f » Wed Oct 05, 2011 2:06 am

What a brilliant story! Warwick is quite close by - I shall imagine the girls walking around the town next time I pop there for lunch.



x x x

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Re: Jackie learns her lesson

Post by DisciplinaryArtSpanks » Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:50 am

I loved this part and I hope there is another story where Wendy experiences the same from David.

"Take your jeans down I want to inspect your bottom and make sure you've got what you deserve’ Jackie fumbled with her jeans and gently eased down over a still sore bottom. As Jackie pulled her jeans down she revealed a pair of white pants which Wendy quickly noticed had a red blood stain halfway down the left buttock. On seeing this, Wendy frantically tugged Jackie's pants down. ‘Well it looks like you been properly punished and he’s made you bleed’. Yes and he buggered me as well’.

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Re: Jackie learns her lesson

Post by cindaz84 » Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:49 pm

Thanks for your comment - glad you enjoyed it. Would you like more?

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