Charlotte's mum

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Charlotte's mum

Post by sexylegsmale » Sun Oct 06, 2013 6:57 am

Robert was on his way over to his girlfriends house after a massive argument with his parents. He had packed a suitcase and was hopeing to be able to stay at his girlfriends until things had calmed down at home. Little did he realise but what he was about to encounter would be an experience that he wouldn’t ever forget. As Robert walked up the drive he could hear the unmistakable sound of someone being spanked. Robert knocked on the door and moments later Charlotte’s mum opened the door looking some what flustered. “Robert what do you want as this is really not a good time” asked Mrs Smith. “I have had an argument with my parents and was hopeing that I could stay here for a while” replied Robert. “well that’s just made my day, not only is my daughter naughty but her boyfriend is as well no problem come in you’s two obviously have a lot in common” replied Mrs Smith. Robert put his suitcase in the hallway and Mrs Smith took Robert into the kitchen and made them both a cup of coffee. “are you okay” asked Robert who could clearly see that Mrs Smith looked angry. “well I would be if Charlotte would behave herself but no even though she is eighteen she still acts like a child, well if you act like a child you get treated like one” replied Mrs Smith.

The kitchen door opened and in walked Charlotte with tears running down her face, “how dare you come down get back upstairs and face the wall immediately” shouted Mrs Smith. Charlotte ran back upstairs sobbing. “do you want me to go” asked Robert, “no Robert your fine I am just sick of how Charlotte behaves which is probably how your parents feel right now the only difference is I deal with it when it happens and its just unfortunate you have come over when she is being punished” said Mrs Smith. “sorry I gather you’s have been arguing” replied Robert. “no we don’t argue like I said she gets punished in the same way I did when I lived at home, a good old fashioned spanked bottom does the trick every time” Robert suddenly realised that the sound he heard when walking up the drive as his girlfriend being spanked he sat looking at Mrs Smith a slim attractive thirty nine year old who certainly didnt look her age he had never thought of spanking as a turn on but he was becoming hard at the thought of Mrs Smith spanking Charlotte.
Mrs Smith
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“so there you have it, no doubt you will think I am a cruel mother but thats how I have brought Charlotte up” said Mrs Smith. “no I don’t think your cruel its just unusual to still be spanked at her age” replied Robert. “age doesn’t come into it, whilst she is living in my house she follows my rules” replied Mrs Smith. “okay so while I am staying here would I have to follow the same rules” asked Robert hopeing that Mrs Smith would say yes. “no of course not, and I must say that I don’t always spank Charlotte it just depends on what she has done wrong” replied Mrs Smith. “look you know what your going to see Charlotte’s red bottom when she is allowed downstairs so lets get it all out in the open perhaps you whitnessing Charlotte being punished may be what she needs to make her start and behave herself” said Mrs Smith

Once they had finished there drinks Robert followed Mrs Smith up to the spare bedroom. Robert couldn’t believe what he was seeing, Charlotte was stood facing the wall with her hands on her head. “how dare you disobey me, get your skirt off this instance” shouted Mrs Smith. Charlotte turned round her hands were now on her hips and defiantly shouted “why are you doing this to me, I hate you so much, you have ruined everything” “so you hate me do you well your going to hate me even more” replied Mrs Smith who grabbed hold of Charlotte’s arm and dragged her over to the wooden chair where she sat down and pulled Charlotte back over her lap. Robert watched as Mrs Smith pulled Charlotte’s skirt down and proceeded to spank her bottom five times with a slipper. “right get back over there and face the board or you get the same again” shouted Mrs Smith. Charlotte did as she was told and stood with her hands on her head sobbing.

Robert stood looking at his girlfriends bottom, it was bright red and looked very sore. “sorry about that Robert but now you have an idea of what I have to put up with” said Mrs Smith as she handed Robert the house rules she had printed out. “as I was saying downstairs I don’t use spanking as the only form of punishment” Robert stood reading the house rules.

Punishment Guidelines

Minor issues
You bare your bottom and stand facing the wall with your hands on your head for 20 minutes.
Disobeying instructions
You go upstairs and remove all clothing from the waist down you write on the whiteboard what you have done wrong and stand facing the whiteboard with your hands on your head for 10 minutes. You then bend over my knee and you are spanked 15 times with the slipper. You then stand in front of the whiteboard for another 10 minutes with your hands on your head.
You will remain naked form the waist down until bed time.

Major issues
You go upstairs and remove all your clothing you then write on the whiteboard what you have done wrong and stand facing the whiteboard with your hands on your head for 15 minutes. You then bend over my knee and you are spanked 20 times with the hairbrush. You then stand in front of the whiteboard for another 15 minutes with your hands on your head.
You will remain naked until bed time.

“well Robert there you have it, I understand if you don’t want to stay here but I hope it wont effect your relationship with Charlotte as I think you are a very nice boy” said Mrs Smith. “I must say its kind of weired but I actually think how you punish Charlotte is probably better than being shouted at or not speaking for days on end which is what its like in my home” replied Robert. “thank you Robert for someone of your age to actually agree with how I bring Charlotte up is very welcome oh and by the way you can call me Sonya” replied Mrs Smith. Once Charlotte had finished her punishment Mrs Smith gave Charlotte a hug and went downstairs. Charlotte took Robert into her bedroom where they lay on the bed talking. “are we still okay” asked Charlotte thinking that Robert may want to finish with her. “of course we are like I said to your mum I think it’s a better way than just ending up not speaking for days on end” replied Robert. They lay on the bed cuddling and kissing and it wasn’t long before Robert put her hand on his cock. “oh my god that’s so stiff” said Charlotte as she started rubbing his cock. “it sure is and it needs sucking off you naughty girl or I will spank you” said Robert. “its okay for you to joke about spanking but you don’t have to suffer it” replied Charlotte. “okay if it makes you feel better I will tell your mum to spank me as well” replied Robert. “yeah whatever you wouldn’t dare” replied Charlotte as she pulled Robert’s trousers down and began sucking him off, it took less than two minutes for Robert to shoot his load inside Charlotte’s mouth.

Mrs Smith shouted of Charlotte and Robert to come downstairs so they could have dinner. They entered the kitchen and Mrs Smith told Charlotte to do the washing up, Robert couldn’t help but smile as he watched Charlotte washing the dishes with her red bottom on display. After dinner Robert, Charlotte and Sonya sat chatting over a couple of bottles of wine, they sat talking for over two hours and during that time all three were getting slightly tippsy. Charlotte looked at Robert and started giggling, “whats so funny” asked Mrs Smith “its just that Robert said upstairs that he wants to be treated like me” replied Charlotte. “is that true Robert” asked Mrs Smith. “well Sonya I just think it would be better if the rules applied to both of us as it seems unfair on Charlotte seeing as how I am staying here” replied Robert. “okay if that’s what you want you suffer the same punishments if you do anything wrong, believe me you will go back home a better behaved young man” replied Mrs Smith. It was now approaching eleven oclock and Sonya told her daughter and Robert that it was bed time.

As Charlotte and Robert were walking upstairs Sonya shouted “no backing out mind Robert, you do wrong you get punished” Tomorrow he was going to make it his mission to be spanked by Mrs Smith he just needed to think of a way to not make it obvious he was turned on by it

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Re: Charlotte's mum

Post by mrspankshard » Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:06 am

Great story! How old are you and your girl friend?

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Re: Charlotte's mum

Post by jtreker » Sun Oct 06, 2013 5:40 pm

Good start!! Next chapter I hope Charlotte's mum breaks the rules and also gets spanked!!!

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Re: Charlotte's mum

Post by sexylegsmale » Sat Oct 12, 2013 1:07 am

Robert is aged 21. I agree that Mrs smith shouldbe spanked but the rules are in place to make charlotte and now robert better behaved

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Re: Charlotte's mum

Post by spanking69 » Sun Oct 13, 2013 1:40 am

Personaly I think while robert is staying being made to strip naked is wrong, what does Sonya do when she sees robert with a stiffy. Me I would make them both wear hotpants.
Great story cannot wait for them both to be spanked

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Joined: Wed May 09, 2012 10:37 pm

Re: Charlotte's mum

Post by sexylegsmale » Fri Oct 18, 2013 1:38 am


you have a point about robert and an errection :)

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