Neighbors - Part 2 F/M

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Neighbors - Part 2 F/M

Post by socalswitchyguy » Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:34 am

Previously in "Neighbors" - My alter ego had just given his curvy neighbor Kay her very first adult spanking. Leading up to that spanking and even during it, she kept asking him when it would be her turn to "return the favor" in her cute, almost bratty manner. As we re-join them, Gordon and Kay are just waking up from a post-spanking nap.

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We both woke at about the same time. Kay squeezed my hand. “Wow. I had no idea.”

“Welcome to the world of adult spanking sweetie. That was some release. You must have had quite a bit of stress bottled up inside you. How do you feel?”

“Wow! I had no idea,” she repeated.

“So now that you’ve experienced a good, sound spanking, what do you think?”

“I think you have way too many clothes on for what comes next,” she said as she started to unbutton my shirt. “So now that I’ve let you spank me because you thought I needed it, does that mean I get to spank you? I just wanted to be sure we’re still on the same page,” she added just before nibbling on my earlobe.

I feigned reluctance, but inwardly was very excited at the prospect of what I hoped would happen soon. “I suppose it’s only fair. I guess we’ll know for sure if you ever decide I’ve been naughty enough to justify a trip over your lap,” at which point I bent down and kissed each of her silken thighs. “And it’s such a pretty lap. Yum!”

Kay undid my belt and slid it out of its loops before opening my pants, letting them drop to my ankles. “Well, it seems to me the way you let your fingers wander all over my bottom and pussy while you were applying first the baby oil, then again the cold cream was pretty naughty. Not that I’m complaining mind you, but it was still pretty naughty. Step out of your pants, please.”

Now stripped down to my knit boxers, I was almost as naked as she was. She reached up into the open leg of my boxers and took hold of my fully erect penis. “Yep. Quite naughty, I’d say. Now what do you think we should do about that? What happens to naughty little boys who let their fingers go where they haven’t been invited?”

‘They get spanked?”

“Give the man a chocolate cigar – and a red bottom. I told you I was a quick study. You’re about to learn just how quickly I pick things up. Over my knee young man. You’re in for a good, sound spanking.”

In about a second, I was as nude as Kay and lying over her lap with my erection deliciously rubbing across her right thigh. That erection got even harder as she gently ran her fingers down my crack.

Instinctively, I spread my legs, making it easier for her to tickle and caress the back of my balls. “You really are a naughty boy, aren’t you? I know how to deal with naughty boys like you.” With that, her hand landed squarely on my right cheek.

The initial sting was only moderate, as was the sting from the first few dozen spanks. At first, Kay seemed content to replicate my pattern of spanking with a steady barrage of swats spread out more or less evenly over my bottom and upper thighs. It was actually quite pleasant. Too pleasant as far as Kay was concerned.

“Judging from the way that hard-on of yours is rubbing on my thigh, I think you’re enjoying this way too much young man,” she said with mock severity. “If you’re going to get what you need out of this spanking, we need to do something about that. Stand up.”

As soon as I did, she picked up a Kleenex® from her bedside dispenser, took my erection in her hand and started stroking. “I’ll be able to put this to good use later, but for now, I want your attention completely focused here,” she paused her stroking to give me a Class-A smack to each cheek. “…instead of here,” as she continued her hand job.

It wasn’t long before the tissue was full of my semen and I was back over her naked thighs. Even before her hand landed, I knew from painful experience how correct she’d be about where my attention would be focused. For someone who supposedly had never given a spanking before, she picked up the rhythms, pacing and intensity of the art very fast. In fact, she was proving herself to be a natural.

Soon enough, I was squirming over her lap and couldn’t even enjoy the way my now limp penis was rubbing against her silken skin because, as predicted, my attention was completely focused on the growing heat in my bottom.

“Now that I have your attention, I think a little Corner Time will help you mentally prepare for the next part of your discipline. And I’m going to enjoy the display of those cute buns of yours at least as much as you enjoyed staring at my ass this afternoon. Pay back’s a bitch, isn’t it?”

She led me to the very corner she occupied earlier in the day and playfully clawed at my cheeks as I stood there. “You know as spankable as your bottom is, it’s got way too much hair for me to give you a truly effective spanking. So I’m going to give you a choice young man. Either I shave your bottom nice and clean and give you just a hairbrush spanking, or I leave your bum as is, but take your own belt to you before applying the brush. Think about that as you’re standing in the corner.”

Rationally, I knew I would be better off letting her shave me. But my male pride, combined with the fact that we really just met and it was still to be determined how much we’d be seeing (and disciplining) each other after today made me very resistant to letting her defoliate my derrière.

Deep down, I knew we were going to be together for a very long time and it was probably just a matter of time before my buns would be shaved on a regular basis. Still, I couldn’t quite allow myself that level of vulnerability – especially so early in our relationship.

As I stood there in the corner, I kept going back and forth on the matter. I also thought about how, if Kay was this effective as a spanker her first time at bat, how my buns were likely to suffer once she had more practice. It was definitely one of those “be careful what you wish for” moments.

After an eternity (Professor Einstein at work again – it was really the same 15 minutes I gave her), she came from behind and began to rub my still tender bottom. “Shall I get the razor and shaving cream?” she cooed.

“I can’t,” I whispered. “Not now, anyway.”

“I understand, sweetie. Besides, I like the idea of strapping that cute bottom of yours with your own belt. Come to mama now.” With that, she took my penis in hand and used it as a convenient handle to lead me back to the bedroom for the next phase of my spanking.

Unfortunately, my penis got the wrong idea during that short walk and sprang firmly to attention. “Uh oh. Kleenex® time again. Let’s take care of that little fellow, shall we?” Once again, I experienced the heaven of a deliciously sensuous hand job, combined with the hell of anticipation as I knew how much more sensitive my bottom would be by the time she was done.

Kay was insidious in her technique, peppering my chest and belly with kisses as she masturbated me with one hand, while fondling my tender tush with the other.

Sooner than I would have liked, another tissue was filled with my essence and I was back over her lap. However, before the belt, there was another surprise. “Since your belt has to wade through that forest of protective hair, we have to do something to compensate.”

A cool wet sensation spread from one cheek to another. She remembered the baby oil. I was in deep doo doo now and we both knew it.

Kay wrapped the belt around her hand, leaving a 10” loop at the end. Since my bottom was already sensitive from the first spanking, combined with the oil and leather, she had me howling and on the verge of tears sooner than either of us expected. The belt’s concentrated kinetic energy brought stripes of molten heat to my already sore backside.

I fought hard to retain my dignity and keep the tears contained, but it was a losing battle and we both knew it. Kay put the belt down and began to rub my bottom.

“Why are you fighting the tears Gordon? You know you need this just as much as I did. It’s time you followed your own advice and just let go. And then we can go on to more pleasant things. This is for your own good baby. Now take a deep breath…”

And with that, she applied the hairbrush to my flaming flanks. I forgot how intense a properly wielded hairbrush could be. My bottom was already so tender that even a brush made of balsa wood would have taken me over the edge and hers was a heavy oak brush that felt like hundreds of nails fiercely biting into me every time that brush landed.

Rational thought quickly left me as I descended into a ball of pain and primal release. The tears ran down my face as I howled and kicked my legs and pounded the mattress with my fists. All the while, Kay continued the onslaught with that cursed/blessed brush.

“That’s it Gordon. Let it out. Let all that pain and stress out. Just breathe and surrender to the moment.” Later, I would marvel at how Kay knew just what to say and how to say it so that I felt safe and loved enough to do just what she was suggesting and surrender.

Of course while she was saying it, I wasn’t really hearing the words. It was more of a verbal blanket of love enveloping me as I emotionally reverted to childhood. A few minutes later, I felt cried out and went limp across her lap.

Kay helped me sit up and soon I was suckling at her breast, my still flowing tears mixing with the sweat on her chest as she cuddled me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see tears streaming down her cheek as well. I’ll leave you to your imagination as to what happened next.

After I had fully recovered from my spanking, we stood naked, side by side in her kitchen making dinner together, admiring each other’s red bottoms. No question about it. This was the beginning of something beautiful. And we definitely needed to get a thank you gift for that UPS driver.

Posts: 19
Joined: Sun Oct 24, 2010 1:22 pm

Re: Neighbors - Part 2 F/M

Post by socalswitchyguy » Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:40 pm

Whoops! What with the new system and everything, I accidentally posted Part 2 twice. Will some woman kindly spank me for that faux pas? :mrgreen:

Posts: 41
Joined: Sat Nov 13, 2010 4:00 pm

Re: Neighbors - Part 2 F/M

Post by hairbrushedhubby » Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:56 pm

Great story, love it when a man gets spanked with the hairbrush, tears and all, just as I am with my lovely wife.

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