Her first spanking

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Her first spanking

Post by mischief_managed » Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:35 pm

So it was everything that she had expected it to be, the total experience, from the anxiety of
her very first meeting with him, the butterflies doing loops in her belly and the warm bottom afterward.
It was awesome.

He met her at her car and hugged her as she got out. She was so shy she could barely look at him and when she did the butterflies made their flips in her belly again. They walked to the office door where he unlocked it and they proceeded up the stairs towards the offices. She stopped partway up and had to do some deep breathing. He asked her if she was okay, she nods, but her heart was slamming in her chest.

Am I really going through with this? Is this worth the risk of getting caught, and maybe losing everything? As selfish as her thoughts may seem she decided that she really needed and wanted
this in her life so she continued up the stairs.

She looked around as he unlocked his office, noticing, as he had told her that the offices would be empty this time of day. Once inside his offices she set her purse down, and as he went to shut and lock
the door again she asked to use the restroom. He looked at her, as if she were trying to delay things,
and in truth she was just a little. She needed to pee, but also just needed to calm herself.

Returning from the bathroom, she smiled at him as he locked the door and took her by the arm leading her to an almost empty room. Empty except for the straight back chair in the middle of the floor, and the office chair near the door.

She gasped when she saw the chair, her heart pounding again, as her excitement rose. This is exactly what she had hoped for. He took off his suit coat, laying it across the office chair and taking her by the
wrist he walks to the wooden chair and sits down, standing her alongside him on his right.
“Wait,” she tells him, “aren’t we going to talk first…ummm,” she is stalling as he pulls her over his lap, adjusting her so they are both comfortable. “What do you want to talk about”? he asked her and, “smack” it begins as all thought of intelligent conversation leaves her at this point.

He spanked her over her jeans for a little bit and her mind begins to wander. What? Wait, is he saying something, she is trying to focus but being over his lap finally has her all befuddled and she cannot think straight. Soon that warm-up is over and he tells her to get up, then to pull her jeans down.
She cannot look at him, as she feels the cheeks on her face turn bright red, and the butterflies are
dancing in her tummy again, but she does as told and the jeans come down.

Back she goes over his lap. He’s running his hand over her bottom and then the spanking begins again.
She is thinking how nice this is, he is lecturing her and she answers in between the spanks and then….
oh no, he is pulling her panties down now. She groans, embarrassed but she knew this was coming.
He spanks her until she is whimpering, squirming a little. His hand lighting up her bottom. Not hard spanks, just firm enough to cause her discomfort.

He stops again, and helps her up. She is disappointed because she thought he was done spanking her
but he points to the corner and tells her to go there. What??? Oh my, no, he is sending her to the corner? How did he know she wanted, no NEEDED this? Did they talk about this? She tries to go
through all of the emails they shared In her head, as she walks to the corner, but she is drawing a blank.
She feels every bit the naughty little girl as she adjusts herself in the corner.
Standing there, her mouth dry, processing the whole scene so far as he comes up to her, rubbing her back, asking if she is okay. She tells him she is dry and he leaves to get her a glass of water.
Her nose is in the corner as best it can be because of her glasses, and her hands are resting on her back
above her exposed bottom when he returns with the water. Handing it to her he rubs her back again,
making sure she is okay. She is shaking so badly and of course, as she takes a sip she spills it down the front of her blouse. Laughing, embarrassed that she spilled the water, but she knows it is par for the course for her.

She is not sure how long she was in the corner, seemed like forever but was probably only five minutes and he calls her back to him. She waddles back to him, her jeans and panties around her ankles and
he pulls her over his lap again. He renews his volley of spanks on her bare bottom, concentrating on the
sit spots. She starts to squirm and bang her feet on the floor as he continues to spank.

Oh my god…no, he’s pulling her cheeks open….nooooo she is screaming inside, he can’t spank her there.
But yes, it seems that he is. Wait!!! her mind is screaming, how did he know this is what she secretly
desires? We did not talk about this, did we? Her mind is racing, but again all thought leaves her as he starts to spank her on her asshole. Owww, that really stings, but she’s hoping he doesn’t stop anytime
soon. She is squirming and groaning, with every swat and then it’s over. His poor hand must be stinging
because her bottom sure is.
He helps her up and sits her upright on his lap, hugging her, comforting her. She smiles, her warm
bottom sitting on his firm lap, his strong arms around her, hugging her, she sighs contentedly. This is
what a spanking should be like she thinks to herself.
Her first spanking over, he helps her up and then checks her bottom, making sure there are no bruises.
He tells her to pull up her jeans and panties, and as she does he tells her, “Next time bring your hairbrush”.

Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Oct 25, 2010 10:59 am

Re: Her first spanking

Post by Angelmaker » Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:29 am

A most excellent story renee. Absolutely wonderful and very well written. The way you described each step of the journey, each feeling you felt at the hands of your spanker, at this, your first spanking I almost felt like I was there. Now there's a lovely thought.
You sure have a talent for putting your thoughts to words. Great read, and I sure hope you post more........

Last edited by Angelmaker on Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:52 pm

Re: Her first spanking

Post by Michael_A » Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:43 am

ive read this story i like the feelings described by the girl the butterflies thr dry mouth the racing of the heart, then as she sees the empty room with THAT chair there its only purpose she know full well ,then he knows she is to be spanked no half measures , she is slightly dubious but wants it needs it and with his confidence he has her over his lap before she can be hesitant , no turning back she is where she needs to be , i lliked the spanking the cornertime and that lovlely surprise when he opens her cheeks secret fantasy yes he knew it , very good i liked it thanks

Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:14 pm

Re: Her first spanking

Post by Time4a_you_know_what » Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:55 am

This is so hot. All the fantasy feelings come to life here. Adorable Renee :)

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